I've confided in a few of you all of the nitty gritty dirty details of the past 20 years of my life. As difficult and challenging as that journey has been, truth is, this battle of mine didn't start there. I remember having to shop in the "Pretty Plus" section of Sears, while the other girls pranced around in their Jordache and Sassoon jeans. I remember always being picked last for a team in gym class. I remember being tormented on the bus ride to and from school each day, so much so that I would get to school and hide in the girls room to cry.
I thought that once school was over, and I was a grown up, things would change. I was sadly mistaken. I encountered difficulties in college, in my dating life, in my married life, etc. As recently as last year's office Christmas party I overheard a co-worker of mine, a grown man in an administrative position, snickering and making awful comments about the size of my behind as I went to retrieve my gift from under the tree. He was then joined further in his folly with two other male co-workers. Needless to say, I was shocked, appalled, and humiliated. These were men I work with, respected and admired. Merry Christmas? I think not.
The physical struggles of not being able to go on certain amusement park rides, being concerned about sitting in a camping chair and having it collapse, having to ask a flight attendant for a seatbelt extender on an airline, waking up each morning with joint stiffness and muscle aches, being short of breath while walking thru a shopping center, etc. are enough to deal with on their own. The emotional struggles which accompany those physical limitations, and then are exacerbated by cruel individuals, just makes matters that much more difficult to deal with.
It's time to put an end to all of that once and for all! Thank you all for your loyalty and support. As often as I feel alone in my life, it's comforting to know that I do have a select few that are cheering for me on the sidelines.
Yesterday was a good day, not great, but good. I ate well and tracked my food and water intake. My energy level felt increased a bit. Then life happened, and I didn't get to the gym, but I did walk around quite a bit... and I learned that on Wednesdays I need to sacrifice sleeping til 6 a.m., and get up at 4:30 instead so I have time for me. There is a plus, at least I wasn't on the couch with a bowl of Halloween candy!
Overweight and Sick of it?
- Are you overweight and tired of hearing things like, “but you have such a pretty face”
- Do you have just ONE problem area that you really want to fix? Like your flabby arms, your muffin top, or maybe thick thighs?
- Are you tired of waking up everyday & dreading your day because of how to look and feel?
- Do you feel sluggish when you get out of bed in the morning?
- Do you avoid shopping for clothes with friends because you’re embarrassed of your size?
- Do you cut out the tags in your clothes and lie about your weight to avoid embarrassment?
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